The Advanced Stem Cell Education Program


The Advanced Stemcell Education Program (ASTEP) is a program for physicians and healthcare professionals who wish to further their knowledge on stem cell therapies for genetic and acquired diseases. The curriculum covers the basic principles of stem cell biology to advanced practices in clinical research and applications.

My Role

Lead User Experience Designer

As an independent contractor, I analyzed the curriculum and designed an online platform for students to purchase and learn the course material.


  • Compile and optimize course content for online education

  • Design processes for students to enroll in ASTEP and purchase course material

  • Produce marketing and promotional assets to attract prospective students to the program

Some Perspective

Healthcare is experiencing an evolving crisis as conventional treatments reach their limitations and the United States develops an ever-growing aging population. In this medical environment, new and alternative strategies are needed. Stem cell-based therapies are being evaluated for the treatment of a wide range of disorders. It is estimated that 132 million individuals in the United States alone may benefit from stem cell-based therapy with the largest impact on patients with cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, cardiovascular, and neurological disorders.


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